
Improved Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Associated with Bovine Milk Fat Globule Membrane and Lactoferrin in Infant Formula

Results from a clinical trial published in the Journal of Pediatrics show infants who consume formula containing milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) and bovine lactoferrin had an accelerated neurodevelopmental profile scoring higher in tests of cognitive, language and motor development by their first birthdays. The formula was associated with age-appropriate growth and significantly fewer diarrhea […]

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Why is lactoferrin important for infants?

In early life nutrition, extensive research supports the important role lactoferrin plays as a key dietary protein. From birth, an infant’s natural source of lactoferrin is breast milk, providing a baby optimal nutrition and immune protection to keep them healthy during the first 1000 days and beyond. Lactoferrin is found in abundance in both colostrum […]

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